SMALL TALK PDF by Richard Pink & Roxanne Pink

SMALL TALK PDF by Richard Pink & Roxanne Pink


Download the book SMALL TALK PDF, written by author Richard Pink & Roxanne Pink and published by Vintage Digital on May 16, 2024, in both PDF and ePUB formats, comprising 160 pages.

Author:Richard Pink & Roxanne Pink
Publication:Vintage Digital
Publication date:May 16, 2024
Total Pages:160
Document type:PDF
File Size:5 MB
SMALL TALK by Richard Pink & Roxanne Pink book information.

About the book

When “ADHD wife” Roxanne Emery and neurotypical husband Richard Pink asked their community of 2.5 million what the biggest ADHD struggle is, the thousands of replies changed everything. As they learned, the real enemy isn’t productivity or focus, but the toxic ADHD core beliefs we’ve internalized.

With candor and kindness, they share personal stories to highlight and reframe the 10 big lies that ADHD people believe about themselves. From “I am lazy” to “Everybody hates me” and “I quit everything I start,” Small Talk will empower ADHDers and those who love them to navigate life with compassion, humor, and hope.Whether you were diagnosed early or are new to the neurospicy community, Small Talk will change your relationship with yourself and others.

Learn how to:

  • Identify your limiting ADHD beliefs
  • Break free from neurotypical standards
  • Support and understand your ADHDers
  • Adopt a self-kindness mindset
  • Communicate your needs & boundaries
  • Celebrate the joys of ADHD

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