Download Own Me PDF by K.A. Tucker

Own Me PDF by K.A. Tucker

Own Me: A Book

Download the book Own Me PDF, written by author K.A. Tucker and published by Amazon Kindle on December 11, 2023, in both PDF and ePUB formats, comprising 348 pages.

Title:Own Me (The Wolf Hotel)
Author:K.A. Tucker
Publication:Amazon Kindle
Publication date:11 December 2023
Total Pages:348
Document type:PDF
File Size:1.7 MB
Own Me by K.A. Tucker book information.

About the book

Own Me is Book Five in the highly addictive forbidden romance The Wolf Hotel series.
Eight months ago, I was a naive, small-town farm girl with a shattered heart. Then hotel billionaire Henry Wolf picked me up off the ground (literally), and my entire life changed.
Now I live in a Manhattan penthouse, I’m starting my first company, and I’m planning a beautiful life with the man of my dreams.
I knew these first months would bring plenty of drama. I expected the savage media attention surrounding our engagement, and I braced myself for Mama’s theatrics about the wedding.
But nothing could have prepared me for the big secret that just stormed through our front door, altering the course of our future.
Own Me should be read after Tempt Me, Break Me, Teach Me, and Surrender to Me.
Please note: This series is intended for a mature audience.

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