The Art of Management PDF

The Art of Management PDF

The Art of Management PDF: The Art of Management: Managing Yourself, Managing Your Team, Managing Your Business book written by Shiv Shivakumar. You can easily download it in Hindi & English through the links given below on our website.

The Art of Management PDF

Careers are changing, and the capabilities required to stay relevant are changing even more rapidly. We seem to have endless choices, at least at the beginning of a career, but these start narrowing after middle management. How does one think about one’s own life and career in this changing decade?

In this book, Shiv Shivakumar points out that today, unlike in the past, all three elements are your responsibility. With in-depth interviews with top leaders across the spectrum and an insightful foreword by Sachin Tendulkar, The Art of Management is a must-read.

The whole discipline of career management now has three elements to it:

  1. Managing yourself.
  2. Managing your team.
  3. Managing your business.

About The Art of Management by Shiv Shivakumar Book PDF

Book nameThe Art of Management: Managing Yourself, Your Team & Your Business
AuthorShiv Shivakumar
Release Date9 May 2022
PublisherPenguin Portfolio

Shiv Shivakumar is one of India’s longest-serving CEOs. He is currently the group executive president at Aditya Birla Group. He was CEO of Nokia in India and subsequently led the company’s emerging markets unit; he was also chairman and CEO of PepsiCo South Asia. He is regarded as one of India’s leading management and leadership thinkers and speakers.

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