Garuda Purana Devdutt Pattanaik PDF

Garuda Purana Devdutt Pattanaik PDF

Garuda Purana Devdutt Pattanaik PDF: Here we will share the Garuda Purana book is written by Devdutt Pattanaik. The purpose of this article is to provide you with a download link to this book.

Garuda Purana Devdutt Pattanaik PDF

Why do Hindus feed their ancestors? Why is burning the dead preferred to the building of tombs? Are Swarga and Naraka not the Hindu equivalent of Heaven and Hell? Does Hinduism have a concept like Judgement Day? What is the impact of death on Hindu notions of womanhood and caste? Is the Vedic approach to death different from the Tantric one? What is the difference between Bhuta, Pishacha, Preta, Peter, and Vetala?

Death, rebirth, and immortality are deeply ingrained in the Hindu mind through ritual and storytelling. It is not just tragic, but also ambiguous when it comes to death. A journey has come to an end, but a new one is beginning at the same time. Death is inauspicious, a source of impurity, even though the dead are venerable.

Devdutt Pattanaik explores the many concepts surrounding death across the spectrum of Hindu mythology, tracing some practices back as far as Harappan times in Garuda Purana and Other Hindu Ideas on Death, Rebirth, and Immortality. As a guide to the choices we make in life, the book explores the Hindu response to death.

About Devdutt Pattanaik Garuda Purana Book PDF

Book NameGaruda Purana
AuthorDevdutt Pattanaik
GenreEncyclopedias & Reference Works
Pages228 Pages
Release Date11 September 2022
File TypePDF or EPUB

Having trained as a physician, Devdutt Pattanaik worked in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries for fifteen years before turning his part-time passion for mythology into a full-time career. His work on sacred stories, symbols, and rituals in modern times has been published in over 1000 articles and more than 50 books.

A number of languages, including Hindi, Marathi, Malayalam, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, Gujarati, Russian, Polish and Japanese have been translated into these books. Besides speaking at corporate events, he also advises organizations on leadership and culture issues.

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