Rituals of Happy Soul PDF Download

Rituals of Happy Soul PDF

Rituals of Happy Soul PDF free book is written by Deepanshu Giri with 126 Pages. The purpose of this article is to provide you with a download link to the Rituals of Happy Soul book.

Rituals of Happy Soul PDF

In this book, the author is far from spirituality, as he is far away from it. In order to live a spiritual life, you need to accept situations as they come and not react to them. Buddha preaches spirituality as the art of ignoring life’s problems as a way to become one with nature. In this book, you will discover hidden energy within you that can help you deal with your problems and succeed in life.

In this book, you will learn the magic of the universe that lies within you. It is only your disbelief that has caused you to stop believing in magic. You have been programmed by your brain to limit your capabilities so you forget what you are truly capable of. There are several rituals of energy in the book that have no connection to religion. Religion binds you by rules. Religion can never be free because it is always overtaken by fanatics who seek to benefit themselves. Any religion in a society will eventually fall due to this reason.

The book “Rituals of Happy Soul” is an easy-to-understand book of principles and principles that can be applied to any aspect of our lives that uses energy because of Tattwas (elements), deities, animals, Raagas, yantras, or mantras as well as our responses to each other as humans. All of these can be used to fulfill our potential as human beings and lead fulfilling soulful lives.

Your mind will be channeled with energy and energy will be spread around you while reading this book. As a result, you are shown your energy around you by the things around you such as any irrational behavior in electronic items or glassware that breaks. If you are looking for guidance from your soul and also you want to channel your thoughts, then this book is for you.

About Deepanshu Giri Books PDF Free Download

Book NameRituals of Happy Soul
AuthorDeepanshu Giri
GenreReligion & Spirituality
Pages126 Pages
PublisherLunar Astro
Release Date1 July 2022
File TypePDF & Epub

An engineer by profession, Deepanshu Giri Ji is an established name in the field of underwater robotics. He took a sabbatical in 2017-18 to pursue his interest in astrology. He was born into the lineage of Lord Bhrigu, a Brahmin family. Moreover, he has been blessed with a family who has been practicing astrology and Ayurvedic medicine for seven generations.

In such a short time, he has gained a following that is unprecedented in the field of astrology. Throughout the years, the Lunar Astro family has grown by leaps and bounds, with students joining from all over the world and of all ages. To share his knowledge with other astrology lovers, he eventually founded Lunar Astro Vedic Academy in 2018. Each year, he brings highly researched unique content on a completely different subject to Lunar Astro.

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